Our Fall 2024 student loan negotiation group is live. Join us for free before April 30th. Start now.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Logo

1,194 Juno members

Harvard University (HBS, Undergrad, etc.) Logo

2,989 Juno members

Stanford University (GSB, Undergrad, etc.) Logo

1,249 Juno members

University of Michigan Logo

1,192 Juno members

Columbia University in the City of New York Logo

1,450 Juno members

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Logo

943 Juno members

University of Pennsylvania (Wharton, Perelman, Undergrad, etc.) Logo

2,438 Juno members

University of Chicago (Booth, Pritzker, Undergrad, etc.) Logo

2,686 Juno members

Duke University Logo

1,140 Juno members

Northwestern University (Kellogg, Feinberg, Undergrad, etc.) Logo

1,860 Juno members

Juno's Daily MBA Scholarship

$500 each day until March 1

We pick one person randomly everyday and send them or their school the scholarship funds (your choice)

If you don't see your school, type in Other

We don't sell your information to anyone. Scroll down to learn more, and click here to read the scholarship terms. 

Founded by HBS students, for students everywhere

Juno uses collective bargaining power to help our community of 80,000+ students, families and professionals save money. 

We allocate a portion of our funding to give back to the community through these scholarships. Join us for free today to help grow our initiative, and save even more. 

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